Top 10 High-Protein Plant-Based Foods for Muscle Building: A Vegan’s Guide

Here are the top 10 high-protein plant-based foods to add to your grocery list and meal plan:

  1. Quinoa – With 8 grams of protein per cup, this versatile grain is a staple in many vegan diets.
  2. Tofu – A 4-ounce serving of firm tofu provides 10 grams of protein, making it an excellent option for post-workout meals.
  3. Lentils – One cup of cooked lentils contains 18 grams of protein, making them a great addition to salads, soups, and stews.
  4. Almonds – A 1/4 cup serving of almonds provides 6 grams of protein, making them an easy and convenient snack on the go.
  5. Chia seeds – With 5 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons, these tiny seeds pack a big protein punch and can be added to smoothies, oatmeal, and baked goods.
  6. Peanut butter – 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contain 8 grams of protein, making it a great spread for toast or a delicious addition to smoothies.
  7. Hemp seeds – With 10 grams of protein per 3 tablespoons, hemp seeds are an excellent source of plant-based protein and can be added to smoothies, yogurt, and baked goods.
  8. Tempeh – A 4-ounce serving of tempeh provides 15 grams of protein and is a delicious meat alternative in stir-fries and salads.
  9. Green peas – One cup of green peas contains 8 grams of protein and is a tasty addition to soups, stews, and pasta dishes.
  10. Broccoli – One cup of cooked broccoli contains 4 grams of protein and is a nutrient-dense addition to any meal.

Incorporating these high-protein plant-based foods into your diet is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to building muscle on a vegan diet. It is also important to maintain a balanced and varied diet, in addition to regular exercise, for optimal overall health and fitness.

In conclusion, building muscle on a vegan diet is possible with a little planning and creativity. The above list of high-protein plant-based foods provides a great starting point for anyone looking to increase their protein intake and support their muscle-building goals. So, go ahead, add these protein-packed foods to your grocery list, and enjoy the many delicious ways to incorporate them into your meals!

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